Transform Your Life Transition or Traumatic Event into a Unique Coaching Modality.

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Be among the FIRST to gain access to our highly sought-after signature program, Sacred Transitions Academy. Transform your life transition or traumatic event into a powerful and unique coaching modality that sets you apart from the rest. Discover how to embody your own journey and make a profound impact as a specialized coach. Don't miss out on this opportunity to shine and thrive! Click the button below to secure your spot on our exclusive waitlist.

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Unearth the Power Within Your Journey.
In every transition lies an undercurrent of sacred energy, waiting to be channeled into transformative change. As you embark on this transformative journey with the Sacred Transitions Academy, you'll be guided to understand, harness, and magnify this energy in profound ways. This isn’t just another coaching course; it’s an invitation to a deeper connection with your authentic self and those you aim to serve.

Discover Your Gift in Challenges

Dive deep into introspection and unearth the treasures within your most significant challenges. Learn how to craft a coaching methodology based on your unique life experiences.

Tools for Transformation

Equip yourself with powerful techniques and strategies to turn pain into purpose, guiding you and your clients towards personal and collective healing.

Embody & Share Your Wisdom

Embrace the lessons from your past, embody them fully, and learn how to effectively share and guide others in the area you are now proficient in.


From navigating my own intricate life transitions to guiding countless souls through theirs, my journey has been both enlightening and deeply transformative.

With years of dedicated practice, study, and personal experience, I've honed an innate ability to recognize the transformative power within each transition. This expertise empowers me to mentor aspiring coaches, helping them specialize in transition coaching.

By intertwining personal narratives with professional expertise, I believe in creating a unique coaching methodology that resonates on a profound level.

Join me, as together we embark on this sacred journey to harness the potential of life's pivotal moments and become specialized transitions coaches.

“Helped me push past my fears of showing up for my business…..”
Andreea helped me push past my fears of showing up for my business, become more aligned with my goals and develop the tactics to reach them. Her ongoing support and encouragement has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and stop playing small. I highly recommend working with her!

Kelly Kelleher

“She took a genuine interest in my business and goals…..”
From the very first call we had, she took a genuine interest in my business and goals. Since then, she's offered clear guidance and support. I came to some realizations about my own journey and got really inspired to jump back into my business again! After our most recent call, I spent days putting the plans she helped me form into action. I greatly appreciate the coaching she's offered.

Justine Smith


Your journey matters. Your transformations are sacred. Let’s honor them together.

With my guidance, you will unlock the keys to creating powerful, multi-dimensional coaching experiences that transcend traditional methods. We will explore cutting-edge techniques, integrate mind-body-spirit approaches, and leverage the latest advancements in personal development!